Diseases, Learn more

All about AIDS and HIV

1st December is World AIDS Day. This disease affects the immune system, which is the body's natural defense against diseases. If left untreated, serious illnesses can develop. Normally harmless infections, such as the flu or bronchitis, can get worse, be very difficult to treat, or even lead to death. In addition, the risk of cancer is also accumulated. A person doesn't die from AIDS, they actually die from an illness that the body cannot fend off.

Learn more, Pharma

Understanding Chemotherapy

As we wrote in the Breast cancer article. One of the cancer treatments is Chemotherapy, which uses drugs that are often injected intravenously. Chemotherapy is one of the main categories of a medical discipline dedicated to the treatment of cancer, called medical oncology. What's Chemotherapy ? Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with chemicals. It… Continue reading Understanding Chemotherapy


All you need to know about Mammography

A mammogram is an imaging study that uses x-rays to evaluate the breast for breast cancer in women who either have breast problems, such as a lump, pain, or nipple discharge, as well as for women who have no breast complaints. The procedure allows detection of breast cancers, benign tumors, and cysts before they can… Continue reading All you need to know about Mammography

Diseases, Learn more

All about Breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer month. Helping to share awareness amount all health related websites and online content, we're going to share all month long everything related to this disease either on the blog or on our Social Media including Pinterest and LinkedIn. Feel free to join if you are not subscribed yet. What's Breast cancer… Continue reading All about Breast cancer


What is an MRI Scan?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of scan that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of internal organs and structures. The scanner itself typically resembles a large tube with a table in the middle, allowing the patient to slide in. When an MRI scan is used? The MRI scan… Continue reading What is an MRI Scan?


What is simulation, and why do we use it in healthcare ?

Simulation is a method or technique without experience in real events. There are multiple elements to consider, simulation procedures and technology are just one of many dimensions. The ultimate goal is to allow learners to experience simulated scenarios, the second is effective feedback and reporting. What is simulation? Simulation is the imitation or representation of… Continue reading What is simulation, and why do we use it in healthcare ?

Learn more, Nutrition

All about vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for our body. Everyone is talking about this substance now more than ever before due to the COVID-19 virus. Most people when they think about vitamin C instantly comes to mind is Oranges or Citruses as it's commonly known for containing this substance. But that's not 100% true. In this article,… Continue reading All about vitamin C

Diseases, Learn more

Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas can no longer make insulin, or the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. It acts like the key to let the glucose in the food we eat from the blood into the cells… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know About Diabetes


Blood Transfusion: One drop that can save lives

Blood transfusion is the process through which patients receive extra blood. Blood from a donor or from the patient him/herself is transfused into the body to increase blood volume. The blood components may be separated prior to the procedure and transfused into the patient. Why blood transfusions are necessary? Blood transfusions are necessary when the… Continue reading Blood Transfusion: One drop that can save lives


Let’s Learn about microscopes

A microscope is an optical instrument that uses a lens or a combination of multiple lenses to magnify and resolve the fine details of an object. The earliest method of examining physical evidence completely relied on a microscope. The enlarged image seen through the lens is called the virtual image, and the projected image is… Continue reading Let’s Learn about microscopes